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Free Tools for Teaching Solutionary Storytimes
As a humane educator in elementary schools, I always ended my lessons with a "solutionary story"—a read-aloud of a nonfiction picture book about a solutionary who has helped people, animals or the planet. (There are so many great books to use, and more coming out each year—which is why I created my book lists in Solutionary Stories Central!)
The kids loved solutionary stories time—so I created a "moving poem" (kinesthetic/participatory), a lesson routine, and an activity book to go with it, which they loved, too!
Now I'm happy to share these teaching tools here with you, for free—to use in your classroom, library, homeschool, afterschool program, summer camp... These tools give you a ready-made single storytime lesson, or an unlimited series of lessons, using any of my books or any of the recommended books in Solutionary Stories Central!
How to Teach a Solutionary Story Lesson
Solutionary SuperKids Coloring & Writing Book
Meeg's Moving (Kinesthetic) Poem:
My Solutionary Super Powers
(The text of this poem is included in both of the free, downloadable PDFs above.)
Additional Free Teaching & Storytime Tools
for Meeg's Books
You will find all of these activities on the individual books' pages on this website, but here in one place are all of the free, downloadable activities that go with my books.
Miep and the Most Famous Diary Teaching Guide
So Much More to Helen! Teaching Guide
Winged Wonders Storytime Activity Pages
Make Way for Animals!
Teaching Guide
Ocean Soup
Teaching Guide
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